Croydon Camera Club
Croydon Camera Club

Dr Mees Miscellanie

Presentation dinner for Dr Mees for his 2nd Gold Medal, 9 Sept 1953.
Dr C E K Mees, having received his second Gold Medal from the RPS, is entertained at dinner in the Cafe Royal at North End Croydon.
Left to Right Standing: Sam Allard, Nettie Moon, Dr C E K Mees, R Ede (President), I D Wratten, H G Trodd, A J Williams.
Left Hand Table: Unknown.
Right Hand Table: A J Williams, R M Wiltshier, C Corn, ?, H Stillwell, ?, J J Taylor, S E Whitaker, C S Spackman.

Dr Mees christmas greetings card to Harold Stillwell, 1959.