Home Forums Outings & Events CAMERAWORLD SHOW, BRANDS HATCH – 27 July 2023

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  • #1640
    David Beard

    A group of members (David Newman, Wally Conquy, Ros Conti, Bett Atherton, Andy Bennett and myself) took a trip into Kent to visit the CameraWorld Show being staged at Brands Hatch.

    We arrived about 11:00 in time for the opening of the show being held in the Motorsport Vision Centre.  We duly attended the show (which wasn’t particularly large but was busy) and then adjourned to the floor above for refreshments in the cafe.

    This floor overlooks the race track and provided a good view of “Clearways” bend which prompted some of us to grab our camera’s and start making exposures.  There were motor cycle riders practicing for the race over the weekend.  Later, we visited the paddock and again made use of our camera’s.  We then made our way back to the track and found more vantage points to sate our appetites for action shots.

    We left about 16:00 having had a thoroughly enjoyable day with some fine weather.

    Map of Brands Hatch

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by David Beard.
    David Beard

    Cleaways bend

    David Beard

    Dorr at back of van in paddock

    David Beard

    Paddock Hill Bend

    David Beard

    Paddock Hill Bend

    David Beard

    Paddock Hill Bend

    Bett Atherton

    Brands HatchGreat day out at Brands Hatch, and a big thank you to Wally for driving us there x


    Brands Hatch


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