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  • in reply to: BUSHY PARK 9 October 2023 #1777

    When you haven’t got your wide angle lens, what do you do!

    The Shooters

    in reply to: BUSHY PARK 9 October 2023 #1776

    The Stag after seeing off a challenger

    To The Victor...

    Grey Heron

    in reply to: BUSHY PARK 9 October 2023 #1775

    A kestrel for a knave


    in reply to: BUSHY PARK 9 October 2023 #1774

    The most challenging aspect of the shoot was the very bright day, while this help allowing high shutter speed. The contrast between shadow and highlights was very high, the only saving grace was the sun is lower in the sky this time of year. This one is an extreme case of decimated highlight detail.Locked

    Anyone have any idea what this stag is doing! Face wash?

    in reply to: Look Up To the Skies #1722

    Thank you! As seen in my mind’s eye. Two images one at blue hour and the other after 12am. Changed the canvas size and added the milky way.

    in reply to: Look Up To the Skies #1720

    Minds eye

    in reply to: Look Up To the Skies #1705

    Lesson Learnt I tried to post the image in the same post as the txt, but as with my first post it didn’t post (just disappeared!) I then post them separately seems to work. Lesson: Draft in a word app that saves your content so you don’t have to retype. (Tip courtesy of Paul)  Then just cut and paste your  content into the post.

    Or just be more succinct!

    in reply to: Look Up To the Skies #1704

    Look UP

    in reply to: Look Up To the Skies #1703

    It’s a shame we have to go so far outside of London to see the stars (the celestial ones)

    There’s just so many of them, it is truly a wondrous sight!

    This is just an update and hopefully an encouragement to other CCC members to take the opportunity to try something different. You never know you may well fall in love with a new genre!

    This was my first star shoot, I used my go to app for planning Photo Pills (PP). It was also my first time using the Sony for long exposure at night.

    You will have seen David’s post already, this is the second time I’m writing this one as the first disappeared into the ether when I submitted it!

    It was an update giving you my thoughts on the lessons learnt on this shoot, because just like the first post didn’t go to plan likewise there were elements of the evening/night shoot that didn’t quite go to plan.

    First lesson unless you have recent pictures of the destination you are planning to shoot, assume that what you are going to find is not going to be as is. Point in case when we arrived at the pin drop place designated PP as the place to setup for the shot we were after. We found that we could not get access as a large swathe of the hilltop was roped off due to erosion of the cliff top. Long story short we had to find another place from which to shoot, we didn’t get that perfect shot! Lesson: always have a plan B

    Second lesson, It’s a lot easier to figure things out in the light than when you are in an almost pitch black environment. I struggled for about half an to figure out why my camera wasn’t producing sharp images. I thought I had already set everything up ready to shoot the stars, forgetting I had changed the settings to shoot blue hour shots but not changed it back after. Lesson: get to know your camera.

    Third lesson, The photo below made me smile! I had composed the shot then went to paint the lighthouse, and ended up spoiling it with a hand and torch (torch borrowed from David) in frame and an over-bright foreground. Lesson: we don’t always get it right, but even being out there and seeing it in person is a reward in itself!

    Hope to see you on the next shoot!


    in reply to: North Wales Trip – Nov 2023 #1678

    Hi All,

    just to say that B and I have booked into the Premiere Inn Bangor, from the 9th – 13th.

    As we have not heard from Keith, I have started to develop a schedule based on the suggested areas/sites from Keith’s original post.

    This is just a backup plan, there as a just in case so if you are still interested in going feel free to go ahead and book your accommodation.

    in reply to: Look Up To the Skies #1677

    Great! You will need a wide angle lens, torch, preferably a head torch and a red filter to preserve our night sight. If you haven’t got a red filter/film treat yourself to some chocolates (Quality Streets or the like) and use the plastic wrapper from the sweets. Warm clothing, sturdy tripod, spare batteries, memory card, something to sit or kneel on. You may want to pack a snack and drink. Weather forecast is looking good, I’m waiting for a few others to confirm they will be coming and I will email out meetup time and location.

    in reply to: WARNHAM LOCAL NATURE RESERVE 3 August 2023 #1661

    It was indeed a pleasant day, it was good to be out walking in very well planned out environment, what struck me most was the peaceful atmosphere. We were blessed with good weather and good company, the photography was a bonus! It was a shame the onsite cafe did not offer anything  other than tea, coffee, cakes and crisps! Note for any future visits pack sandwiches .

    I managed to take 249 images, I haven’t review them yet, I uploaded them to my PC on Sat and will probably get around to them sometime this week. Apart from the images I also took home several insect bites another note to self pack bug repellent! I was excited at the Kingfisher sighting, it’s the first one I have seen through my lens. I don’t think that he was any good at fishing of the 4 attempts/dives, not one produced a catch! Looking on the images on the camera, like the Kingfisher I had failed to0 catch an image, a 1000mm lens would not have gone amiss!

    Your Egret in flight was well caught (well done), I didn’t see it until it was in the air and on its way so I just got the back of it! I’ll add mine here once I have processed them.

    in reply to: Tina #1586


    Sorry to hear that, get well soon!

    in reply to: North Wales Trip – Nov 2023 #1554

    Hi Keith,

    Bridget & I are intrested


    in reply to: London #524

    Hi Ron, as a record shot I think it achieves the aim! The uprights are good, the exposure is ok, from this size image the colour and sharpness look fine.

    If I was approaching it from the point of view of competition entry, I would maybe try and isolate a feature of the building, or look for pattern repetition.

    While the people provide scale they are a distraction from the main subject (the building) and tip the balance of the picture, a slow shutter speed would have stopped them being recorded in the scene. I don’t think that you need so much of the foreground as there’s nothing of interest there.

    The Eye’s position in the frame bothers me, while it occupies the centre , the way the clock tower cuts through it jars.

    It’s a cloudy day (not a lot you can do about that!) so the lighting is a little flat, to me this would look more interesting with some side light.

    I hope this is of some help!

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